

Medical Tattooing for
Scar Camouflage &
Nipple Reconstruction

Medical tattooing

Medical tattooing involves the art of tattooing for medical purposes,
mainly nipple reconstruction, scar camouflage and vitiligo.

In case of scar camouflage or vitiligo, specific pigment is used that matches the surrounding skin colour. The whiter skin is then treated to
match the skin around, thus camouflaging its aspect.

Nipple reconstruction through tattooing can be indicated in several situations. A reconstructed nipple after breast reconstruction can be coloured to match the colour of the other nipple and areola. Advanced
techniques are applied to give the areola and nipple a natural aspect, colour, and texture. In most-cases, a short touch-up procedure is required after a few weeks to give a long-lasting result.

Medical tattooing

Natural-looking 3D nipple tattoo procedure

In case that a patient does not want a nipple reconstruction, but still wishes a nipple tattoo, we can recreate the areola and nipple using special 3D tattooing effects. We aim to recreate a natural-looking nipple and areola, by applying different colours, textures, and light-shadow effects. It is a very elegant procedure for patients who do not wish to undergo surgery, but still want to improve the symmetry of the breasts. Also in case of pigment loss of the areola, the colour can be restored by tattooing to recreate a natural areola contour and aspect.